Monday, November 19, 2012

Metro 2033

At the beginning, I'd like to share with you the info about the very first book created in this destroyed and polluted world. Here's the general plot of the story.

Year 2033. As a result of the atomic conflict the entire world has been destroyed. Those few, who survived, now shelter in the Moscow Metro, which thanks to an unique construction became probably the last asylum of mankind. At these gloomy stations, illuminated by the emergency lights and fires glow, those people try to lead life similar to this one before the cataclysm. They create microcountries bonded by ideology, religion or just the protection of the water filters... they form an alliances and wage wars.

VDNKh is the most northerly, inhabited station of Metro. After the catastrophy, for the long time it remained safe, but now the great danger appeared. Artyom, a young man from VDNKh, receives a quest: he has to get to the legendary station of the Polis, in the heart of the Moscow Metro, to give warning about new danger. If he doesn't succeed, not only his station but the whole Metro will be doomed to gradual extermination.

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